Sydney ride Sat 11 Nov 2000

We did a loop from Windsor-Putty Road-Broke-Wollombi-Kulnura-Home. In theory starting from the McGraths Hill Mcdonalds at 09:30 (actually 10 oclock) and ended up at Debs parents place at Kulnura just before 2 pm for a barbeque lunch and bafflectomy on Debs bike. We got a little rain at times but generally it was fine.
We left with Deb, Burnie, Michelle (Virago) and Karen (Yamaha 250 cruiser?) and picked up Garry and Pam at Broke. Nigel, of Monster fame, turned up at Debs parents, but he does not count as he had a 4WD and baby.

Apologies if I have got anybodies name wrong

Deb with her and Burnies bikes
Deb with her and Burnies bikes at the turnoff from the Putty Road to Broke

Group photo at Broke
Michelle, Deb, Burnie, Garry, Pam (Karen behind camera) at Broke

Bikes at Debs parents at Kulnura
Debs parents at Kulnura

You drill out (or use a deep hole saw) to remove the plate between the baffle that sticks out and the edge of the pipe. There is another plate approx 8 inches in that the final baffle goes thru and you need to wiggle (vigorously) the baffle to break the two inner welds holding the baffle to this plate. Then pull, bend and swear (the welds cause it to jam as you pull it thru the hole) until it comes out. Then clean up around the edge. If you look in you will then notice that there are still two inner baffles left (leave them alone). No extra power, no re-jetting required, just a better sound.

Roger (Debs dad), Deb and Nigel
Roger (Debs dad), Deb and Nigel

Deb working
Deb working

After drilling
After drilling, pre removal

This is an ex baffle
This is an ex baffle
